A Letter
from the CEO
Dear friends:
I am pleased to introduce you to Great River Hydro (GRH).
GRH is New England’s largest producer of conventional hydropower. Our facilities have been providing critical energy services to New England for over 100 years. We own and operate 13 hydroelectric generating stations on the Connecticut and Deerfield Rivers in New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts, with a total capacity of 589 megawatts, enough to power over 200,000 homes in the region.
Our most important asset is our people. The GRH team includes over 100 highly skilled professionals who manage, operate, and maintain our facilities. Safety is our highest priority. Our GRH team members are committed to the safety and well-being of each other, our communities and our environment, every single day. Our safety culture drives our successful delivery of reliable, clean energy. “Renewable power from New England for New England” means much more than electricity alone. We work closely with environmental, energy, community, and regional stakeholders to achieve safe, responsible operation of our facilities.
In addition to our energy benefits to the region, GRH’s nearly 30,000 acres of conserved lands and reservoirs offer a multitude of recreational opportunities that support local economies. We directly support local communities both through property tax revenue and through charitable contributions to local organizations. Our team members actively contribute their time and energy to the communities in which they live and work.
Today, our unique capabilities and operational flexibility play a vital role in our region’s transition to a low carbon, reliable and secure energy future. And we are actively leveraging our expertise and assets in innovative ways to help advance that transition into the future.
Every GRH team member is proud of the work we do every day. It is our privilege to contribute to a clean, reliable, and secure energy future. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Great River Hydro.
Best regards,
Erin A. O’Dea, President and CEO
Environmental, Social and Governance Program
Great River Hydro’s Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") Program is voluntary program with three primary objectives: to articulate GRH's commitment to protect and steward the environment, to be a valued corporate citizen of our communities, and to be ethical and fair employer and business partner.
To learn more about our ESG program, download the summary brochure or full program document now.

Employee Engagement
Great River Hydro employees can direct company contributions to community organization and causes that are most important to them. Examples include: uniform and equipment purchases for youth sport teams, contributions to parent-teacher organizations, and donations to Toys for Tots during the holidays.
In 2019, Great River Hydro employees continued their holiday tradition of supporting the local Toys for Tots campaign in White River Junction, Vermont. Employees joined together to donate a total of 71 toys, $167 in cash, $80 in gift cards, $750 in personal checks, and $2,250 in Employee Engagement support towards this deserving cause.

Community Investment
Great River Hydro donates tens of thousands of dollars annually to sponsor events, programs, and organizations in our communities. Examples include: The Vermont Center for Ecostudies, The New Hampshire Lakes Association, and The Nature Museum at Grafton.
The Nature Museum at Grafton staffs the Visitor Center at GRH's Bellows Falls station, providing interpretive services to guests and a traveling program that brings those services to local libraries